Sunday, April 12, 2009

End of the menopause? Scientists make breakthrough in egg production. Konec menopausy? Zarodecne bunky vytvori vajicko.

A lot of work remains to be done for this to work in humans..The Chinese scientists removed stem cells from the ovaries of mice, grew them in the laboratory and injected them into female mice with sterile ovaries, where they turned into eggs.
After the mice mated, healthy babies were born, the journal Nature Cell Biology reported.

Cinsti vedci vypestovali zarodecne bunky, voperovali je do sterilni mysi, a v te se posleze vytvorila vajicka.

Zbyva jeste mnoho prace, aby se toto overilo pro lidi. Vedci se na takovyto vyzkum prave chystaji.

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